Monday, November 5, 2007

November 3rd - Tournament RECAP

WOW - Thanks to all players who participated in the first SMFL Tournament! With 19 players showing up to dazzle all with their talents, this week was certainly one of the leagues best in history.

Special shout out to three rookies making their debuts on Saturday:

Big Game Hunter Guest: Soon to be "Married" Mike - Hopefully, this won't be his last time to show up on Saturdays... yet another SMFL participant engages in the white bells of matrimony. (Yes I know it's a bad nickname... but keep coming out so that we can establish a better one.)

Bronx Brock: Who dominated Team 1 (specifically Butterfly Davis) with his "slow and go" deep routes.

Guy Mitchell's roommate: "Scrappy" Ben - showing all that he's not afraid to jump or dive for any ball as long as it means his team gets into the endzone. Classic SMFL baller.

Lets get to the games!

Each team was able to play three games (one game against each of the other teams). Here are the team records for the day:

Team 1 Record: 0-3

1. Favre Sandwick

2. Jagt Holland

3. Papi Schremmer

4. Butterfly Davis

5. Big Mike V

After the game, Team Captain Favre had this to say:
Our team was 0-3, but could have been 2-1 if it weren't for the Colt "doing my best VY" Young comebacks led by Peg Leg and Big Game in our first two games.
In the third game, we never had a chance...Farrellio's squad was just too good for us... We got outplayed... I question the kind of heart our team has... it was embarrassing.

Team 2 Record: 2-1

1. Peg Leg Casey

2. D-Newb

3. Baylor David

4. Rhino Reist

Team 3 Record: 1-2

1. Big Game Hunter

2. Runnin RB

3. General Josh

4. Guy Mitchell

5. "Married" Mike

Team 4 Record: 3-0 CHAMPIONS!!!!!

1. Romo Farrellio

2. Bronx Brock

3. Zephry Avery

4. "Scrappy" Ben

5. Rocket Ricky

For the first time in League History, we have game highlights in video format. Check out some of these great plays from the weekend.

Game Changing Plays!

Play Breakdown:
1. Rhino to Peg Leg Casey Ford- stopped on the 5 yard line
(sub-plot: catch a glimpse of "Butterfly"Davis' nipple: WARNING - PARTIAL NUDITY)
2. 3 Yard scramble by Rhino.
(sub-plot: Jud doesn't know what the score of the game is at this point)
3. Perfect zone defense, Rhino throws into traffic and gets picked off by Farve.
(Listen to the crowds excitement!)

Stay tuned for more videos in the future.

Due to the number of games and plethora of statistics, there will not be any SMFL Rankings this week. Rankings will continue next week, November 10th.

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