Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Avery Chan Bowl

Well, after 3 or so seasons of playing in the SMFL, Mr. Chan, the player formally known as "Zephry", has officially retired from the Saturday Morning League. He went out in style posting a career high 4 touchdowns, 8 pass blocks, 14 catches and 21 tackles for the day. He also threw his first and probably last career interception.

"All in all, it was a great day - I know my team won and lost today, but I'm fine with leaving the SMFL on a .500 note... mainly because I'm too tired and their is not enough oxygen in the Dallas air. I'm really looking forward to retirement" - Mr. Chan

Avery's contributions to the league include:
- The Avery Count: The ability to count to "7 Mississippi" in less than 3 seconds
- The Avery Rule: This rule is still in the SMFL Rules Committee as it has not been enacted, however, the rule would eliminate the "Mississippi" count and allow for a blitz on each down, thus taking away the "Avery Count" advantage.

Below is his official SMFL post game press conference announcing his retirement:

The SMFL would like to wish Avery "the best" as he moves his family to China in the coming months. You and Felicity are in our prayers - you will be missed.

Enjoy photos which documented the historic "Avery Bowl"

Avery Arrives

Even the likes of Baylor Dave and T-Dar make it out for the festivities!

Easy E was nervous about the big game.

Here he is over preparing...

And... doing something else in the bushes...

Of course - no SMFL week would be complete without Favre and Peg Leg....

All in all - it was a great day for football!

Align Center

Friday, April 17, 2009

Congrats to an SMFL Player

"T-Dar" Tim Darley (better known as the Johnny Moxin of the SMFL) and his wife gave birth to their first child on April 16th. Emma Louise Darley was born at 8:12 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz and measures 22 in. Mom and baby are doing good.

When asked how this incredible personal development would affect his SMFL status, T-Dar said:

"I'm out for good reason for a while, but when I do get back I think I'll have a renewed dedication and maturity just like Pacman did."

We look forward to that day when he is back on the field but we are excited for him and his family in their new parenting endeavors.

Here is T-Dar (in the red) is his all to familiar resting position.