Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Avery Chan Bowl

Well, after 3 or so seasons of playing in the SMFL, Mr. Chan, the player formally known as "Zephry", has officially retired from the Saturday Morning League. He went out in style posting a career high 4 touchdowns, 8 pass blocks, 14 catches and 21 tackles for the day. He also threw his first and probably last career interception.

"All in all, it was a great day - I know my team won and lost today, but I'm fine with leaving the SMFL on a .500 note... mainly because I'm too tired and their is not enough oxygen in the Dallas air. I'm really looking forward to retirement" - Mr. Chan

Avery's contributions to the league include:
- The Avery Count: The ability to count to "7 Mississippi" in less than 3 seconds
- The Avery Rule: This rule is still in the SMFL Rules Committee as it has not been enacted, however, the rule would eliminate the "Mississippi" count and allow for a blitz on each down, thus taking away the "Avery Count" advantage.

Below is his official SMFL post game press conference announcing his retirement:

The SMFL would like to wish Avery "the best" as he moves his family to China in the coming months. You and Felicity are in our prayers - you will be missed.

Enjoy photos which documented the historic "Avery Bowl"

Avery Arrives

Even the likes of Baylor Dave and T-Dar make it out for the festivities!

Easy E was nervous about the big game.

Here he is over preparing...

And... doing something else in the bushes...

Of course - no SMFL week would be complete without Favre and Peg Leg....

All in all - it was a great day for football!

Align Center


Unknown said...

I might come out of retirement... so y'all better stay sharp.

Unknown said...

I love it